
The license controls the terms of access to the BrainFrame server. These APIs allow for BrainFrame instances to be set up with licenses through an automated system. The average user will probably not need these APIs.

API Methods


Gets licensing information from the server.


timeout – The timeout to use for this request


License info

BrainFrameAPI.set_license_key(license_key: str, timeout=30)brainframe.api.bf_codecs.license_codecs.LicenseInfo

Uploads a license key to the server and applies it.

  • license_key – A base64-encoded string of license data

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request


License info after the key is applied

Data Structures

DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'

ISO 8601 date format used by the API

class LicenseInfo(*, state: brainframe.api.bf_codecs.license_codecs.LicenseState, terms: Optional[brainframe.api.bf_codecs.license_codecs.LicenseTerms])

Information on the licensing status of the server

state: LicenseState

The licensing state of the server.

terms: Optional[LicenseTerms]

The active license terms of the server, or None if no license is loaded.

class LicenseState(value)

An enumeration.

EXPIRED = 'expired'

A license was provided, but it has expired

INVALID = 'invalid'

A license was provided, but did not pass validation

MISSING = 'missing'

No license was provided

VALID = 'valid'

A valid license is loaded, features should be enabled

class LicenseTerms(*, online_checkin: bool, max_streams: int, journal_max_allowed_age: float, expiration_date: Optional[])

The terms of the currently active license.

expiration_date: Optional[date]

The date that this license expires, or None if the license is perpetual.

journal_max_allowed_age: float

The maximum amount of time in seconds that the server may hold data in the journal for.

max_streams: int

The maximum number of streams that may have analysis enabled at any given time.

online_checkin: bool

If True, the server will check in with a remote licensing server to verify license terms.