
These are all errors that can be reported by API requests. These errors mirror those used in the REST API.

exception AdminMustExistError(description)

There was an attempt to delete the only remaining admin account.

exception AlertNotFoundError(description)

An Alert specified by the client could not be found.

exception AnalysisLimitExceededError(description)

There was an attempt to start analysis on a stream, but the maximum amount of streams that may have analysis run on them at once has already been reached.

exception BaseAPIError(description)

All API errors subclass this error.

exception CapsuleNotFoundError(description)

There was an attempt to reference a capsule that does not exist.

exception DuplicateIdentityNameError(description)

There was an attempt to create a new identity with the same name as another identity.

exception DuplicateStreamSourceError(description)

There was an attempted to create a stream configuration with the same source as an existing one.

exception DuplicateUsernameError(description)

The requested username already exists.

exception DuplicateVectorError(description)

There was an attempt to add a vector that already exists for the given identity and class.

exception DuplicateZoneNameError(description)

There was an attempt to make a zone with the same name as another zone within the same stream.

exception EncodingNotFoundError(description)

There was an attempt to access an encoding that does not exist.

exception FrameNotFoundForAlertError(description)

There was an attempt to get a frame for an alert that has no frame.

exception IdentityNotFoundError(description)

An identity specified by the client could not be found.

exception ImageAlreadyEncodedError(description)

There was an attempt to encode an image that has already been encoded for a given identity and a given class.

exception ImageNotFoundForIdentityError(description)

An image specified by the client could not be found for the specified identity.

exception IncompatibleCapsuleError(description)

The provided capsule is not compatible with this version of BrainFrame.

exception InsufficientRoleError(description)

A user attempted an operation that they don’t have permission to do.

exception InvalidCapsuleError(description)

The provided capsule could not be loaded.

exception InvalidCapsuleOptionError(description)

The provided capsule options do not work for the given capsule. This could be because the option does not exist or the value for that option doesn’t fit the constraints.

exception InvalidFormatError(description)

The request was parsed, but some value within the request is invalid.

exception InvalidImageTypeError(description)

An image could not be decoded by OpenCV

exception InvalidRuntimeOptionError(description)

There was an attempt to set a runtime option that is not supported or is of the wrong type.

exception InvalidSessionError(description)

There was an attempt to access the API with an invalid session ID, either because the session expired or no session with that ID has ever existed. The client should authenticate again to get a new session.

exception InvalidSyntaxError(description)

The syntax of the request could not be parsed.

exception LicenseExpiredError(description)

There was an attempt to upload a license that is expired.

exception LicenseInvalidError(description)

There was an attempt to upload a license that is in an invalid format.

exception LicenseRequiredError(description)

There was an attempt to access a resource that requires an active license while no valid license is loaded.

exception NoDetectionsInImageError(description)

There was an attempt to encode an image with no objects of the given class in the frame.

exception NoDetectorForClassError(description)

There was an attempt to use a class name that is not detectable.

exception NoEncoderForClassError(description)

There was an attempt to create an identity for a class that is not encodable.

exception NotImplementedInAPIError(description)

The client requested something that is not currently implemented.

exception PremisesNotFoundError(description)

A Zone specified by the client could not be found.

exception RemoteConnectionError(description)

The server encountered an error while connecting to a remote resource that is required for the requested operation.

exception ServerNotReadyError(description)

The client was able to communicate with the server, but the server had not completed startup or was in an invalid state

exception StorageNotFoundError(description)

There was an attempt to access a storage object that does not exist.

exception StreamConfigNotFoundError(description)

A StreamConfiguration specified by the client could not be found.

exception StreamNotOpenedError(description)

A stream failed to open when it was required to.

exception TooManyDetectionsInImageError(description)

There was an attempt to encode an image with more than one object of the given class in the frame, causing ambiguity on which one to encode.

exception UnauthorizedError(description)

There was an attempt to access the API without proper authorization.

exception UnknownError(description, status_code=None)

Something unexpected happened. The server may be in an invalid state.

exception UserNotFoundError(description)

There was an attempt to access a user by ID that does not exist.

exception VectorTooLongError(description)

The provided encoding vector is longer than the maximum allowed length.

exception ZoneAlarmNotFoundError(description)

There was an attempt to access a zone alarm that does not exist.

exception ZoneNotDeletableError(description)

A client tried to delete a default Zone

exception ZoneNotFoundError(description)

A Zone specified by the client could not be found.