By default, the BrainFrame server connects to IP cameras directly. This necessitates that the the IP camera is either on the same network as the server, or is made accessible through other means, like port forwarding.
For situations where this is undesirable, a stream may optionally be configured to be part of a premises. BrainFrame will connect to these streams through the StreamGateway instead, which acts as a proxy to bypass firewalls. See the Premises section in the User Manual for details.
API Methods¶
(premises_id: int, timeout=30) → brainframe.api.bf_codecs.premises_codecs.Premises¶ Gets the premises with the given ID.
- Parameters
premises_id – The ID of the premises to get
timeout – The timeout to use for this request
- Returns
The premises
(timeout=30) → List[brainframe.api.bf_codecs.premises_codecs.Premises]¶ Gets all premises.
(premises: brainframe.api.bf_codecs.premises_codecs.Premises, timeout=30)¶ Update or create a premises. If the Premises doesn’t exist, the must be None. An initialized Premises with an ID will be returned.
Premises are more often created using the StreamGateway client tool.
- Parameters
premises – A Premises object
timeout – The timeout to use for this request
- Returns
Premises, initialized with an ID
(premises_id: int, timeout=30)¶ Delete a premises and the streams and data connected to it.
- Parameters
premises_id – The ID of the premises to delete
timeout – The timeout to use for this request