
The BrainFrame server has a generic API for file storage that is used by other API endpoints. If a method asks for a storage_id field, it’s looking for a file uploaded using these methods.

API Methods

BrainFrameAPI.get_storage_data(storage_id, timeout=30) → Tuple[bytes, str]

Returns the data with the given storage ID.

  • storage_id – The ID of the storage object to get

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request


The data and MIME type of that data

BrainFrameAPI.get_storage_data_as_image(storage_id, timeout=30) → numpy.ndarray

Gets the data with the given storage ID and attempts to load it as an image with OpenCV.

  • storage_id – The ID of the storage object to get

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request


A numpy array in OpenCV format

BrainFrameAPI.new_storage(data: Union[bytes, BinaryIO, Iterable], mime_type: str, timeout=30) → int

Stores the given data.

  • data – The data to store, either as bytes or as a file-like

  • mime_type – The MIME type of the data

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request


The storage ID

BrainFrameAPI.new_storage_as_image(data: bytes, timeout=30) → int

Stores the given image data, and inspects it to figure out what the MIME type of the data.

  • data – The image data to store

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request


The storage ID

BrainFrameAPI.delete_storage(storage_id, timeout=30)

Deletes the storage object with the given ID. Deleting storage objects that are in use, like for an encoding, is not recommended.

  • storage_id – The ID of the storage object to delete

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request