
BrainFrame allows you to specify areas of interest within a video stream and gain specific insights about that area. Every stream comes with a default zone called “Screen” which encompasses the full area of the stream. See the Zones section in the User Manual for more details.

API Methods

BrainFrameAPI.get_zone(zone_id, timeout=30)brainframe.api.bf_codecs.zone_codecs.Zone

Get a specific zone.

  • zone_id – The ID of the zone to get

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request

BrainFrameAPI.get_zones(stream_id=None, timeout=30) → List[brainframe.api.bf_codecs.zone_codecs.Zone]

Gets all zones.

  • stream_id – If set, only zones in the stream with this ID are returned

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request



BrainFrameAPI.set_zone(zone: brainframe.api.bf_codecs.zone_codecs.Zone, timeout=30)

Update or create a zone. If the Zone doesn’t exist, the must be None. An initialized Zone with an ID will be returned.

  • zone – A Zone object

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request


Zone, initialized with an ID

BrainFrameAPI.delete_zone(zone_id: int, timeout=30)

Deletes a zone with the given ID.

  • zone_id – The ID of the zone to delete

  • timeout – The timeout to use for this request

Data Structures

class Zone(name: str, stream_id: int, coords: List[List[int]], alarms: List[brainframe.api.bf_codecs.alarm_codecs.ZoneAlarm] = <factory>, id: Optional[int] = None)

The definition for a zone. It is a non-convex polygon or a line.

FULL_FRAME_ZONE_NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'Screen'

The name of the default full-frame zone that exists on every stream

alarms: List[ZoneAlarm]

All alarms that are attached to the zone

coords: List[List[int]]

Coordinates that define the region the zone occupies. It is a list of lists which are two elements in size. The coordinates are in pixels where the top left of the frame is [0, 0].

Example: [[0, 0], [10, 10], [100, 500], [0, 500]]

get_alarm(alarm_id) → Optional[brainframe.api.bf_codecs.alarm_codecs.ZoneAlarm]

alarm_id – The ID of the alarm to search in the alarm list for


The alarm with the given ID, or None if no alarm with that ID exists in this zone

id: Optional[int] = None

A unique identifier

name: str

A friendly name for the zone

stream_id: int

The ID of the stream this zone is in